There are 2 types of services you can choose from. A one-time Q&A phone call, as long as it takes, to discuss your issues or concerns with intention of resolution or plan to resolve most issues. The other is a 3 month coaching session where we will develop a plan together for your future. We will help you identify your unique vision or dream and set a game plan in place to insure to greatest chance for success with setting goals and step by step processes to achieve them. This selection includes bi-monthly 1 hr phone calls to update and adjust and continue forward. Total of 6 hrs of one on one guidance and coaching. In addition to Personal Development, we also offer presentation on the difference between Teams and Elite Teams. A call to shift our traditional way of thinking when it comes to teams. This is a challenging perspective on what teams can potentially mean to an organization. Great for nearly every industry, athletics, or other company that relies on teamwork. "Elite" teamwork.
Here you can add more information about the service that is offered for booking.